Python Turtle tutorials Program to create amazing Ninja Circle logo design in Python. Code : """ Program to create a Bi-pyramid structure Source : CODE PROBLEM (Youtube) """ import turtle turtle.Screen().bgcolor( "black" ) # set the background color to black turtle.speed( 0 ) # the fastest speed turtle.pensize( 2 ) # set the width of the drawing pen rainbow = [ 'red' , 'orange' , 'yellow' , 'green' , 'blue' , 'indigo' ] for i in range ( 110 ): turtle.color(rainbow[i% 6 ]) turtle.fd( 100 ) turtle.right( 28 ) turtle.fd( 30 ) turtle.left( 90 ) turtle.fd( 70 ) turtle.right( 30 ) turtle.fd( 50 ) turtle.penup() turtle.setposition( 0 , 0 ) turtle.pendown() turtle.right( 1 ) #hide the turtle after the shape has been drawn turtle.hideturtle() turtle.done() Output : Learn through video :
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